Peace Camp, diorama

Peace Camp, museum cabinets

Peace Camp, around town

Peace Camp, figures

Cakefaces, Pesto and Pie

Lucy Jordan Stayed at Home

Our Lady of Perpetual Distraction

Blue Collar Woman

Number 1 Son


Endless Washing (Wicker)

Endless Washing (White)

Thanet Chintz

South Thanet Chintz

Paintings for Thanet Chintz

Campaign Trail

Mother & Child

Occasional Woman

Top Table, Strong & Stable

Right Leaning Woman


Greenham Dads & Boyfriends

Oxford Daughters

Tory Wives

Julia & Ray

Fence (animation)

Fence (wall drawing)

Tabletop Peacecamp

Small Hipster Boys

Tits Table

Street Performers

Headless Woman

What if Mary Cecilia didn't jump?

Lemon Haired Ladies

Angel of Reseda